Wednesday 14th October 2020
Dear parents,
Today, the Executive has announced that schools and other education settings will have the half-term holiday break extended from Monday 19th to Friday 30th October (Inclusive) Education settings will be closed to all pupils during these two weeks
including for vulnerable children and children of key workers.
Schools and other settings will reopen on Monday 2nd November. As this is an extension of the half-term break, it is not intended to be used for remote learning, therefore teachers will not post work onto Seesaw during this two-week period. Seesaw will be switched off during this time.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank my staff team who have worked tirelessly over this term to ensure everyone in our school is safe, for the additional work they have produced for those children in self-isolation and for their positivity and selflessness, when I know they are also very anxious about their own families at this time. We are lucky to have the team we have in Holy Evangelists'.
During the week beginning 19th October direct payments will be made to pupils in receipt of Free School Meals. In terms of contacting the school to inform us of a positive Covid case within your home, the school mobile (07435636943) will be switched on: Saturday
31st October and Sunday 1st November. 11:00a.m — 8:00p.m.
Please remember this is part of the new local lockdown which comes into force at 6pm on Friday, it is imperative we all follow the guidance and stay at home, we all need to play Our part to drive down the number of positive cases.
Take care and please keep safe,
Claire Robinson