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Holy Evangelists' Primary School and Nursery Unit

Holy Evangelists’ Primary School and Nursery Unit

We respect and rejoice in the uniqueness of each child

Important Message

Wednesday 16th December 2020


Dear Parents,

It is with heavy hearts that I have had to make the difficult decision to return to online learning from Monday 21st December. The children will finish on Friday 18th December at normal home times. The nursery has had to close from today due to a positive case within the setting, with the staff and children now having to self-isolate until Christmas Eve, which is so upsetting for all involved.
Please do not send your child into school if they have any of the Covid symptoms, numerous children have been sent home this week as they were unwell in school.

This week we have seen a rapid increase in Covid cases affecting families within the school and we now do not want to risk any more families, our children and our staff having to self-isolate this close to the Christmas we have all looked forward to, when we can finally spend time with our loved ones.
The children will return to Online learning through class Seesaw for Monday and Tuesday of next week. The teachers will provide fun activities for the children to complete to keep them entertained.

We will remain open for those families who require childcare due to work commitments until Tuesday at 11:00a.m. If you are in need of childcare, please ensure you inform the class teacher through seesaw by tomorrow Thursday 17th December before 3p.m so we can arrange staff to cover, also specify which days next week you need childcare and a packed lunch will be required for all children who are in on Monday, as no dinners will be provided. Children will start and finish at their normal time on Monday. There will be no breakfast club or After Schools Club on either day.

Children who are in on Tuesday must be collected by 11:00a.m
Please continue to keep your family safe, we hope and pray if we all take care we won’t have an increase in cases after the holiday period.

Kindest Regards

Claire Robinson