25th August 2021
Dear Parents,
I hope your family and all the children had an enjoyable summer and everyone kept safe and well.
So the new term is upon us and having now read the Department of Education Guidance, we have made the decision to keep things as they were back in June. So we will retain our bubbles and air on the side of caution, keeping all our procedures under review and will only change them in line with PHA guidance when the need arises.
It is vital that you do keep us informed if your child has symptoms or tests positive for Covid, so we can try and ensure we can keep control of case numbers in school. So please continue to work with us, we can’t do this alone, we want life back to normal in school, so teamwork will hopefully get us there sooner rather than later.
If you can, please send your child into school with their own tissues and hand sanitiser, so we can keep on top of the good hygiene during the day.
Breakfast Club resumes on Wednesday 1st September, there is no need to book a place it is a drop-in, there has been a price increase, if you only need childcare from 8 a.m, it is a cost of £1.50 and if you wish your child to also have breakfast it costs £2.50 per day.
After schools’ will begin on Monday 13th September, places must be booked and paid in advance, forms will go home during the week of 6th September detailing prices and length of each session.
There are no school buses this year, parents will have to make other arrangements for their child’s journey home.
Outdoor Learning
We now have a sensory garden and outdoor classroom, classes will be using this space for learning, so please do make sure the children have a coat or fleece in school each day.
Teachers will send home new log in for Class Seesaw in the coming week, we are now working on a new website, which should be up and running next month, the Facebook and Twitter feeds will be used for important information.
If you need to speak to the teacher, please send a seesaw message or ring the Office and they will contact you after teaching time.
P1-3 adults entering the site are reminded to keep a 2m distance from all adults.
Drop off and Pick up Information.
8:50a.m P1-3 parents to drop off and pick up at the following doors is 1:50p.m
DOOR 1 is first door near lay-by. DOORS 2-8 are around the building towards old school site. Staff on supervision can give direction on the first morning.
Door 2 P3 Mr Mullin
Door 3. P3 Miss Duffy
Door 4 P3 Mrs McCaughley and P2 Mrs Hurley Door 5 P2 Mrs McComb
Door 6 P2 Miss Trainor
Door 7 P1 Miss Teeney and P1 Miss McIlhone Door 8 P1 Miss Spence
8:50p.m P4 children to enter gates without adults and to be collected at an arrange gate at 2:50p.mDoor 1 P4 Mrs McWilliams and Miss McIlwee Door 2 P4 Mrs McGeary/Mrs Greene
8:50a.m P5-7 to go directly to their line numbers without adults to be supervised by staff, to be collected at an arranged gate at 3:00p.m
P5 Mrs McCormick Number 10 P5 Miss Taggart Number 9
P5 Mr Mallon Number 8
P7 Mr McGrady Number 7
P7 Mrs Reilly Number 6
P7 Miss Hamill Number 5 P6 Mrs Norrby Number 4 P7 Mrs Lunney Number 3 P7 Mrs McEntee Number 2
We don’t have dates for First Confession, First Communion or Confirmation, once we receive the dates from the parish we will inform parents.
New Build Update
The demolition has been progressing and the next stage will be creating the new car park and the drop off and pick up area, finishing the new surface on the Muga and the final piece of the puzzle, our new nursery, so fingers and toes are crossed that we will be fully finished at Halloween.
We look forward to the year ahead and we can’t wait to see all the smiling faces when they arrive on day 1 for the new term.
Claire Robinson